Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Figured it out!@?#@:!

I figured out why the floss ran, at least I think I did. It was the first time I used the Valdani solid pearl cotton in a stitchery that was going to be wet.  I usually just use my variegated Valdani pearl cotton. I believe the solid colors are not colorfast. That is the only thing I can come up with. I dipped them in my walnut crystals again and the red has lightened up a bit. I will keep playing with them. They actually do not look so bad, they look really old and used, if you know what I mean.

I believe I have been tricked by my children.  Last week there was a big to-to in the house because my Lifehouse CD was missing. The kids all love them as I do. So I came to the conclusion that I would just get another one. Don’t you know a little after we get home, Natalie locates the missing CD. I believe I was a set up.  Lifehouse WWA Stair Group Natalie and I were just watching a couple of their videos. I said, “Man, he is a hotty.” Natalie says “He would be okay if he shaved. I don’t like to kiss guys who have hair on their face.” What the?  I told her she better not be kissing any guy, no matter what is on their face. Man, kids these days. :)

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