Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tomato’s Anyone!


I had a great time last night. I took a class from my friend Sharon Stewart of Liberty Rose.004Like I said on my last post it has been a long time since I had taken a class. Sharon always has everything you need to make your project. You don’t have to bring a thing. Thank you Sharon!!

001Lots of chatting and stitching went on. I met some wonderful ladies and my best buddy Janet even came.



006I was able to finish two tomatoes completely and my pin keep.

007I also spent a little too much money on patterns/kits I did not need, but they were oh so attractive all packaged up so pretty. Sharon you are killing me – a entire basket full???!!!!011It began to storm when I left, so the drive home was quite exciting. I felt like I had a disco ball flickering above me the entire drive because of the constant lightening. I got home a little late and little Alice was asleep, she seems to have caught a nasty cold.  Natalie and Gordon met me at the door. Gordon was very excited about the tomatoes I had promised him and “Pigges”.  He showed my husband the two tomatoes I had finished and the pin keep and the next thing I know they no longer belonged to me. 015Gordon does not allow many items to be included in his room, I found them carefully placed on his shelf next to the infamous “Pigges”. I hope they make good use of them.014I finished up a project I had started some time back for my friend Janet last night also.  Being sick slowed me down quite a bit. I will only show a hint.012Off I go – a little house cleaning to get to. Have a great day!!



Unknown said...

Hmmm..... a beautiful peek. Only a peek? I wonder what it is. Looks like a lot of stitch'n to me. You do awesome work and can't wait to see it! Who's lucky?

Unknown said...


Terry said...

Love the little tomatoes! They're so cute! :0)

Unknown said...

Thanks Terry and thank you for visiting!!!